The ASSOCIATED STUDIO A-THEMA provides personalized counselling to companies and individuals within different areas: from staff selection to professional guidance and cross training.

The goal is to enhance human resources to encourage change and development.

Counselling Area: 

– Selection and evaluation of personnel from job analysis to job description;

– Individual coaching for self-development and awareness;

– Professional skills analysis from a point of view of change and development of career plans;

– Professional guidance and active support concerning an active job-seeking activity.

Training Area:

– Client management and acqusition;

– Teamwork: how to create an efficient work group;

– Self-awareness and collaborators management;

– Efficient communication and interpersonal relations management;

– Different styles of communication in inter-personal and professional relations;

– Emotional intelligence and leadership;

– Self-esteem and leadership for women;

– Improving self-esteem and self-efficiency by handling emotions.